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IoTUK Boost application deadline and eligibility

IoTUK Boost

The deadline for applying to the LPWAN Boost that is being run by AB Open in partnership with IoTUK, RS Components, The Things Network and Calderdale council is fast approaching.

If you would like to participate in the programme and receive support that includes development hardware, a 2-day hands-on workshop, 12 months development support and showcasing opportunities, don’t delay in completing and submitting an application!


We’ve had enquiries concerning eligibility from a number of organisations that are based outside of Calderdale, but that have interests in the region, e.g. customer sites. We’d like to note that the reason for framing the Boost in terms of Calderdale is primarily due to gateway location and the fact that we would be unable to offer network service in say, Cornwall, for example.

However, the programme is also open to SMEs and entrepreneurs that are based outside of Calderdale, but that are still able to participate in a meaningful way and benefit from the support provided. What this means in practice is ideally:

  • access to a LoRaWAN gateway
  • ability to attend the 2-day workshop
  • ability to make use of online etc. support
  • willingness to participate in showcasing opportunities

That said, we appreciate that some may be further along the development path and as such the basic training delivered via the initial workshop might not be needed in all cases. Here the focus may be more on later stage development or even a technology pilot, along with showcasing.

In particular, it is worth pointing out that there are LoRaWAN gateways in Leeds and Bradford, courtesy of the Leeds and Bradford Things Network Community initiative led by ODI Leeds. Those based in either city and working on LPWAN applications are very much encouraged to participate.